Category Archives: pakwashlake

Pakwash Park Sign
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Carl Bleich “A frame” cabin owner writes Forestry Recollections

  Sixty Years 200 LocalShort Stories 247 Local Photos         About the Author Carl Bleich moved to Northwestern Ontario in 1972, first employed by the community of Ear Falls. Following this, he worked for the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) in the Red Lake District, for ten years. ​ He held various […]

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Drive-in Fishing Lodge, Where to go, Pakwash Lake Camp

Family fishing vacations First off, why a drive in fishing resort?   Today’s outdoors men/women or family have different needs as seen in the past,  ageing population, time restraints, economic and finance cut backs, health concerns, maintaining multi media contact, weather events, remote location…. everyone has personal preferences.  To find the best fishing,  affordable, inexpensive fishing […]

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