Category Archives: best fishing

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Best Smallmouth Bass Fishing Techniques for Warm Summer Water

Fishing for Smallmouth Bass on Pakwash Lake , we have a few fishing techniques that will help you catch the record numbers of Smallmouth Bass! Pakwash Lake’s best kept secret is it’s smallmouth bass fishing.  It’s later in July, August and September, the spawn is long gone and the smallmouth bass fishermen are gearing up […]

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Drive-in Fishing Lodge, Where to go, Pakwash Lake Camp

Family fishing vacations First off, why a drive in fishing resort?   Today’s outdoors men/women or family have different needs as seen in the past,  ageing population, time restraints, economic and finance cut backs, health concerns, maintaining multi media contact, weather events, remote location…. everyone has personal preferences.  To find the best fishing,  affordable, inexpensive fishing […]