Category Archives: What to Bring to Camp

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Fishing Licence Automated Phone Service

Fishing Licence Automated Phone Service Those wishing to apply for and receive their fishing/hunting licences through the mail before ever leaving for Canada are invited to do so. Please call the toll free number 1-800-667-1940 and follow the voice prompts. You will need your outdoors card (If you have one from 2009 or 2010) and […]

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What to Bring Fishing, a Fishing Checklist

Pakwash Lake Camp ChecklistWhat should one bring to Camp for fishing! Essential Clothing• Good rain gear – more important than new tackle.• Water proof footwear – rubber boots, over shoes, gortex hikers. Wet feet will shorten any day on the water. Winter boots for spring and fall fishing is a must.• Comfortable shoes – these […]

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OK I’m ready for some ATV Fun!

The snow is still thick in the bush but we are looking forward to having some ATV riding fun. Corey and Mandy found some mud last fall. Back to the website

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Chronic Wasting Disease, Ontario has new Rules.

August 2010 To better protect the province from chronic wasting disease, Ontario has new rules related to hunting with natural attractants and possessing carcasses of cervids or their high risk parts from out of province, or transporting live white-tailed deer, elk, moose or woodland caribou into the province.NEW RULES FOR: 1) hunters using natural attractants […]

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Rules regarding Lifejackets for US Residence

PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICES AND LIFEJACKETS #212. If a person who is a resident of a country other than Canada brings on board a pleasure craft a personal flotation device or lifejacket for their personal use that conforms to the laws of that country and that is of an appropriate size and in good condition, the […]

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Update on Potatoes Allowed

We have now confirmed that the quantity of 4kg (10 lbs) commercially packaged potatoes is a per person amount. We were also informed that the potatoes should be US grade No. 1. My understanding is that this is not an onerous stipulation The word is out, the Spud can come to Canada for Fish and […]

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Potatoes are ALLOWED! It’s New.

I called to confirm that up to 4 kilograms (10 pounds) of commercially packaged potatoes can be taken into Canada for personal use. Loose potatoes in a paper bag could still be rejected. You are ALLOWED to bring USA Potatoes to Canada Now. Back to the website

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What’s New in Fishing Licenses In Ontario!

The New one day fishing license for non residence: One-Day Sport Fishing Licence $18.75 Something new and might be useful if your extending your visit longer than a week and want to fish on the way up to camp or if you have kids and want to bring home an extra limit. No outdoor card […]

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Fishing Licence Options for Non-Canadian Residents

Fishing Licence Options for Non-Canadian Residents What is a non-Canadian resident Outdoors Card and who needs to purchase one?Types of fishing licence tags for non-Canadian residents The non-Canadian resident licence fees stated below are in effect from January 1, 2010, until December 31, 2010. For locations of licence issuers, contact the Ministry of Natural Resources […]

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Google Earth and Pakwash is here!

View Larger Map I’m Interactive, check me out! Back to the website