Category Archives: Pakwash Lake Ice Conditions
Pakwash Lake Has Opened up and Dump the ice at Pakwash Park Bay!
Pakwash Lake ice is all being Dumped into the Pakwash Provincial Park’s Bay Pakwash Lake, Red Lake, Ear Falls ice is on the Move. April 8th, 2011 This was Yesterday April 7th, 2011 What a difference a day makes. This was yesterday morning. Yes today is cold but the lake has opened up and the […]
Pakwash Lake, Ice Conditions Update, Red Lake, Ear Falls
Ice Conditions on Pakwash Lake are unsafe! Soon the ice will be gone! It’s going to be an early Ice Breakup this year for sure. If all goes as is and the days stay warm, we should be Ice Free within one to two weeks. We will check to see if the Walleye are spawning […]
Ice will be out Early on Pakwash Lake, Ear Falls, Red Lake, Ontario
Less than 2 feet of ice and the top half is soft and melting fast. Warm Weather has melted all the snow and now rain is here! Fishing will be very soon! Back to the website
So How’s the Ice in Red Lake and Ear Falls 2011
Well we have just had a few warmer days and some sunshine and the ice is starting to show some signs of melting. All the creeks and rivers are open and the shoreline is starting to breakaway. There is around 18 to 20 inches of slush and ice so here we go. Lets keep the […]
Canada Spring Fishing Vacation Openings
This fishing season has the makings of being a great one. Early spring ice out and walleye spawning completed, we see the lake warming up and the fish will be moving into the bays. Remember to bring your 2 oz bottom bouncers and slip bobbers for some great Northern Ontario Fishing. Yes we still have […]
April 19, 2010 is the Break up Day!
The difference a hour makes! It’s official April 19,2010 is the Break Up day for Pakwash Lake. The end to a perfect day is the perfect picture! Love that Pakwash Sunset! Back to the website
Time to get the Dock’s ready.
Spring is a month early this year. Decks are painted, Floors are painted, Docks are almost ready and camp dog Jewels is tired chasing all the squirrels and ready to have some friends to come and visit! 63F today. I love it. Back to the website
Ice Conditions are looking Good!
All the ice on Pakwash is on the East side of the Lake. Any Day Now! 62F today. Back to the website
The Ice is all over the place today.
The windy day blew the ice all over today and the North End of Pakwash Lake is all open now and you guessed it. All the Ice has blown into Camp! Tomorrow or the next looks like the official Break up day! The back and around the park is all opened up. Are you Ready! […]
The End of a hard day on the ice! Pakwash Lake
It was a hard day for the Ice Today. So maybe it will be gone if tomorrow wind and sun come. Back to the website