Pakwash Lake Has Opened up and Dump the ice at Pakwash Park Bay!

This entry was posted in Pakwash Lake Ice Conditions.
Pakwash Lake ice is all being Dumped into the Pakwash Provincial Park’s Bay
Pakwash Lake, Red Lake, Ear Falls ice is on the Move.  April 8th, 2011
This was Yesterday April 7th, 2011

What a difference a day makes.  This was yesterday morning.  Yes today is cold but the lake has opened up and the ice is moving into the Bay.  It’s Official April 8th is the earliest Pakwash Lake’s Ice has Opened up known before 1956.  Last year it Opened up on April 18th, 2010, and the other earliest years were April 20, 1987, and April 21, 2005

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Ear Falls, Ontario, Canada