Possession and size limits for a Sport Fishing License
Walleye 4 in possession and Only one greater than 18.1”
Northern 4 in possessions and Only one greater than 35.4” and NONE between 27.5” to 35.4”
Smallmouth Bass Dec 1 to June 30 ~ 2 in possession less than 13.8” July 1 to Nov 30 ~ 4 in possession (no size limit)
Perch 50 in possession (No size limit)
Possession means all fish in your boat, in your cabin/camper and in the freezer. Fish consumed for shore lunch ARE also considered part of their possession limit. When freezing fish, the fillets must be wrapped in clear plastic and frozen flat with only 2 fillets (one fish) per package. The fillets must have a patch of the skin left on the fillet for easy identification. Cabin number must be marked on it and guests must know how many fish are in possession at all times.
The Law states Beer and Alcohol are NOT permitted in the boats in Ontario. You can fish with only ONE rod in Ontario and everyone must carry their own license and outdoor card with them while fishing.
We ask everyone to take a picture of their oversize trophy fish and join us with “Catch and Release of all large fish so they are there to catch tomorrow.