Steve writes: Thanks again for another great year on Pakwash.. We love coming to see you guys and we know we will have a super time every time on Pakwash! Here are just a few pictures from our trip. Tom Maigaard my nephew was the star fisherman this year with the largest walleye of the group and also a silver muskie to his credit..
The Weber family has been coming to Pakwash Lake Camp for over 35 years I think he said. They have some great Pakwash Stories. Both Dave and Dad caught 18 lbs Northerns from the Lake and John’s favoirte Fishing lure was maid from a Girls Bead making kit. Everytime he uses it he catches fish. One time he lost it and Brother Dave caught 1 1/2 lbs Walleye that had his lure in it. Oh the Stories they can tell. Thanks for the Great pictures.
The Weber’s 2011 Pakwash Trip
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