Denis and I have been avid hunters since we have known each other, over 23 years now. Hunting for small game and large game has kept us in the Ear Falls & Red Lake area. We Love the extreme Wilderness of Northern Ontario. The one thing we enjoy the most of all is call Moose during the Fall Rut Season. From the first moment of the distant call back, our senses are on high alert and every twig snapping and even our hearts pumping are heard. Then it happens, the distant Bull’s grunt is drawing closer, the bushes are cracking and the old trees are tumbling down. He’s smashing a path to get to us!!! Just like the movie “Jurassic Park”! If we are lucky we will hear him, if we are good at what we do, we might even get to see him. If we have all our ducks in a row: the wind direction, the smell of cow in heat, the decoy looks real, the call is the right pitch & volume, and Kim doesn’t call to often. He comes right in and the Majestic Bull gives us his head dance. As his antlers display his true regal crown and we get to see the Giant’s Greatness. The Rut is almost over and we were lucky to call two moose in this year. No tag for Archery but lots of Fun. Oh the week is too short.
The first two video’s have a moose in the dark area, he was grunting but to low for the video camera to pick it up. Sorry it’s very hard to see. The last Video has the moose Grunting back to us. Now I need Video Camera lessons with lights! Maybe next time we can start in the Morning!