Testimonials, Moose Hunting at Pakwash Lake Camp

This entry was posted in Testimonials.

Sept 22-29th, 2007—Kevin & Ray write: We are here for the first time, Moose Hunting (Bow)
Sun 23-Saw a back end of a bear on the Chukuni River Road.
Mon 24-Saw the front end of a bear Canoeing Dixie Creek , from Tote Road. Hear wolves howling, walking a trail off the hwy south of Camp.
Tues 25-Canoeing, came across a Bull Moose (No tag) which ran over to a cow and calf. Kevin had a shot at guessed 50 yards which ranged later to 55, shot at the calf and missed low.
Wed 26- Birds in the freezer
Thurs 27-Found a bedding area, called for the fun of it. Bull Moose came in grunting and crashing all the way. Kevin had a quick broadside look at 35 yards (no tag) and the moose came in to 23 yards before stopping. then spooking. Quite the thrill. Limit of birds today!


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Ear Falls, Ontario, Canada