Pass on the word, Rugged Dude Carson is Coming to the Big Town of Ear Falls, Ontario!
Please Join the Township of Ear Falls on Friday May 7th and Saturday May 8th, 2010 at the Royal Canadian Legion in Ear Falls, Ontario.
The focus of the training session is the Key to a Successful Business — Customer Service. You’d be shocked at some of the poor service RD has experienced in his travels at over 500 businesses. Small changes can give Ear Falls businesses the winning edge, keep our community on the map and make our local businesses stronger and more competitive.
Fee: $25.00 (includes dinner on Friday)
Registration deadline is April 30th at 4:00pm registration forms – available at the Ear Falls Municipal Office. If people want to send a cheque, it should be made out to the Township of Ear Falls. We have this great opportunity to offer this Marketing Seminar and hope to see you there
Township of Ear Falls
P. O. Box 309 Ear Falls, Ontario P0V 1T0
Phone: 807-222-3624
Fax: 807-222-2384