Red Lake Publicity Board Travel Voucher Giveaway: Now You Can Enter Online!
Earlier this month we publicized a $1,000 Travel Voucher giveaway, with the drawing taking place on April 9, 2012. Entry forms could be filled out and submitted at our Red Lake District booth at any of the three scheduled sports shows listed in our blog post.
We are happy to announce that eligible participants will be able to participate online!
Simply fill out the online request for a map of the Red Lake District anytime before April 9, 2012 and your name will be entered into the Travel Voucher giveaway.
The winner will be able to claim their $1,000 cheque after they submit a copy of their bill from their 2012 stay at any Red Lake Publicity Board Member Camp or Business. The bill reflecting your paid 2012 vacation must be submitted by December 31, 2012.
For all other pertinent details please click on the photo.