Catch and Release Policy
At Pakuni Lodge, we promote catch and release fishing to sustain and enhance high quality fishing. We encourage the release of all walleyes over 18 inches. All guests of Pakuni are required to release all walleyes over 21”, all northern over 27.6” and all small mouth bass over 15” regardless of where the fish was caught. By releasing these breeding size fish, you will be doing your part to ensure there will be quality fishing in the future. By releasing a trophy size fish, you may be giving another angler the opportunity for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. For those who wish to display their trophy, fish must be frozen whole and intact for the taxidermist. We recommend that you consider a replica mount as an alternative. Releasing big fish is necessary to maintain the population and to ensure quality fishing for generations to come.
Ray & Erik Bjornson at Pakuni Lodge have it right!
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Big Fish = Breeding Females = The Future
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