Outdoors Card Requirement for Non-Resident Anglers

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The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) is working on a project to improve the fishing and hunting licensing system. Once these improvements are complete, anglers and hunters will be able to purchase Ontario fishing and hunting licences from home, using the Internet or the automated toll-free phone system. As part of this project, MNR will also be developing an automated licensing system for licence issuers to improve service to anglers and hunters.
The automated system will mean that all anglers and hunters will need a unique identification number. That is why MNR will be extending the requirement to have an Outdoors Card to non-resident anglers and hunters, effective January 1, 2009. The Outdoors Card will be required to purchase an Ontario fishing or hunting licence, except for a one-day fishing licence.
Non-resident anglers and hunters will be able to purchase their initial Outdoors Card by filling out an application at any ServiceOntario office or Ontario fishing and hunting licence issuer. There are over 1,800 licence issuers located throughout the province.
The paper application will serve as a temporary Outdoors Card until the permanent card is received in the mail.

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Ear Falls, Ontario, Canada