Non Resident Outdoor Card

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I talked to the MNR today, the paper based forms will be used this year for the temp paper Outdoor card and the fishing & hunting Licences. The Paper forms will be filled out at camp like always. 6 -9 months after we submit the forms to MNR you will receive a plastic Outdoor card in the mail. It will be good for 3 years.

Fishing, you will have to buy a fishing licence every year and carry both the outdoor card and the fishing lic with you while fishing.

Hunting will be a bit more difficult. We will need a True Copy of your existing US hunting lic. to hand in with the an annual non resident hunting lic. Hunters/fisherman will need to carry all three : Outdoor card, fishing lic. and hunting lic.

And so it is for this weeks update!!!

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Ear Falls, Ontario, Canada