Lac Seul Shoreline has Great Historical Treasures

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Clay Pot from Lac Seul

Tool used in daily life

Lac Seul Indian Tools made with stone & Spears made of Copper

Lac Seul Indian Clay Pots

Lac Seul Indian Pipe

Lac Seul Indian Spear

Talk about a great presentation about the local history of the Lac Seul Indians and the Ear Falls & Sue Lookout Area.  I was able to partake in a presentation from archaeologist Brad Hyslop.  He’s been studying the Lac Seul shores for over 21 years and in convinced the Lac Seul waterways were a major travel and population hub for trade for years.  With the Lac Seul location being part of the Canadian Shield and on the edge of the glaciers and Lake Agassiz for over 8500 years.  Trade, living and travel has been an option coming from all four South, East, West & North directions.  
The Boreal Forest of the area is rich not only in it’s beauty but it’s hidden historical treasures. 
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Ear Falls, Ontario, Canada