Is your PFD ready to save your life?

This entry was posted in MNR Reports.

Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs)

These come in many styles: keyhole jackets, vests, coats and coveralls, and are available in many approved colours. They are not reversible and they will not turn the wearer face up in the water. They are more comfortable and suitable for constant wear. The new inflatable PFDs are legal on the condition that they are worn in an open boat, on deck or in the cockpit at all times. They are not approved for use by people under the age of 16 years or lighter than 36.3 kg (80 pounds). They are not approved for use on personal watercraft. The ones that inflate automatically when the wearer goes into the water cannot be used on sailboards.

NOTE: PFDs and Life Jackets are no longer legal if they have been altered, damaged or repaired.


Standard “keyhole” lifejackets are reversible and are available in orange, red, or yellow. They come in different adult and children sizes, with weight/size designation on the label. They are easy to put on and, when properly worn, they are designed to turn the wearer face up in the water and hold the head above water. They are bulky and uncomfortable.

We ask that all children at camp bring there own Life-jackets to ensure proper fit for their safety.

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Ear Falls, Ontario, Canada