Invasive Species

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Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring Program – Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Protecting our waters from unwanted introductions of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) is a priority for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO). A major route of introduction for AIS is by hitch-hiking on trailored watercraft.Starting in the summer of 2007, DFO has initiated a monitoring program to help prevent the introduction of AIS into the Rainy River / Lake of the Woods region. Watercraft inspectors will inspect trailered watercraft for AIS: Zebra Mussels, Round Goby, Rusty Crayfish, Spiny Water Flea, and the aquatic nuisance plants; Eurasian Water-milfoil and Black Algae. The watercraft inspectors are working in conjunction with the Canadian Border Services at the international borders in Fort Frances and Rainy River. They will also have a visible presence at local events and fishing tournaments.DFO is asking that boaters stop for a quick AIS boat inspection and short survey. Help protect our lakes and rivers from unwanted introductions of Aquatic Invasive Species!Here are websites that describe the devastation of invasive species on our aquatic environment:

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Ear Falls, Ontario, Canada