Fishing Licence Options for Non-Canadian Residents

This entry was posted in MNR Reports.

Fishing Licence Options for Non-Canadian Residents

More Information

* What is a non-Canadian resident Outdoors Card and who needs to purchase one?
* Types of fishing licence tags for non-Canadian residents

The Non-Canadian resident licence fees stated below are in effect until December 31, 2011. For locations of licence issuers, contact the Ministry of Natural Resources office that serves the area in which you would like to make your purchase.

Licence Type Available From 2011 Fee for Non-Canadian Residents
Non-Canadian Resident Temporary Fishing Outdoors Card and Application only. Valid for three years. Annual licence tags must be purchased.
Licence issuers throughout the province $9.68

One-year Sport Fishing Licence Tag (for holders of a valid Outdoors Card) Licence issuers throughout the province $76.49

One-year Conservation Fishing Licence Tag (for holders of a valid Outdoors Card) Licence issuers throughout the province $47.13

Eight-day Sport Fishing Licence * Licence issuers throughout the province $49.02

Eight-day Conservation Fishing Licence * Licence issuers throughout the province $28.27

One-Day Sport Fishing Licence Available from many charter boat operators and licence issuers. $20.75

* Eight-day fishing licences are valid for eight consecutive calendar days. A calendar day is a 24-hour period starting at 12:00 midnight.

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Ear Falls, Ontario, Canada