Ear Falls Bridge Commemoration

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Ear Falls Bridge Commemoration
September 30, 2011

On Friday, September 30th, 2011 in Ear Falls a bridge was dedicated in memory of Cst. Calvin Fulford.  Cst. Fulford was killed in the line of duty in 1958 at the age of 28.  He left behind his wife and three children.  The bridge will serve as a reminder of the ultimate sacrifice Cst. Fulford made for the Ear Falls community. The ceremony was attended by many friends and family of Cst Fulford.

In his absence Mr. Rickford had a speech read in honour of Cst. Fulford.

“I would also like to recognize the tremendous courage and strength of the family of Constable Fulford.  I understand that his wife, Betty, was unable to make this trip and his son Ralph has since passed away, but his two daughters, Janet and Linda, along with Calvin’s brother, Don, and numerous grandchildren, nieces, nephews and many other family members are in attendance today including his namesake nephew.  Your strength and resilience through those difficult times would no doubt make Calvin proud.  I hope that this dedication will serve as a memorial for the community, reminding us all of the values which Constable Fulford held so dearly: selflessness, commitment and family.”

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Ear Falls, Ontario, Canada