Do you have O.C.F.???

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Obsessive Compulsive Fishing (O.C.F.)

Obsessive Compulsive Fishing is a condition that affects millions of anglers each year. No one knows the exact moment O.C.F. enters the brain, but many theorize. Some believe it’s that first time a child sticks a hook through a worm. Others, the first moment a bobber goes down. And still others argue that it’s the first cast off a dock. In reality, there are most likely thousands of ways Obsessive Compulsive Fishing enters the brain. But it’s learning to manage the obsession that is so crucial. Fortunately there’s a safe haven that welcomes those with the complexities of O.C.F.- Pakwash Lake Camp

Here at Pakwash Lake Camp it’s our mission to help you bring balance and harmony to your everyday life. Here’s what you need to do:

1. FIND A SUPPORT SYSTEM. It’s vital to form meaningful relationships with others like yourself. Sitting in a boat with other O.C.F.-ers is a good place to start. gather together with other O.C.F.-ers as they face their condition openly and honestly here on Pakwash Lake Camp. Consult with our supportive staff over a fresh cup of coffee after each early morning session out on the lake. Then share your experience with other O.C.F.-ers in the comfort and privacy of one of our beautiful cabins.

2. SET LIMITS. It’s not difficult for an angler with O.C.F. to lose all comprehension of time on the water. That’s why it’s important to set limits. Make an appointment with your favorite fishing spot as early in the morning as possible. Now determine what’s a reasonable amount of time to fish today. Are there errands, tasks, appointments I can’t miss because of my fishing? How many hours a week is a fair amount? Set limits, even if you might not stick to them.

3. CARE FOR THOSE CLOSE TO YOU. Loved ones might not understand your behavior, but it’s important to offer some love and sensitivity. Showing up occasionally for music recitals, plays, birthdays, and dinners is a good place to start. Just keep them happy. They’ll be more accepting of your time on the water. You also demonstrate your ability to think of your loved ones by choosing Pakwash Lake Camp for your O.C.F. treatment. Our resort vacation cabins and amenities will ensure that everyone in your party has a memorable experience.

4. FIND SOLITUDE. To stay in touch with your O.C.F., it’s crucial to get away to a place of solitude and fish-filled lakes. Pakwash Lake Camp is such a place. It is recommended by many O.C.F. lifers as: “A good place to go to catch some nice-sized fish. Even some lunkers if you know what you’re doing.”

It was good for a Laugh Today! I’m off to go Ice Fishing!!

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Ear Falls, Ontario, Canada