Boating Safety Rules Have Changed.

This entry was posted in Boating Safety Rules.

Visitor Information – Office of Boating Safety – Design, Equipment & Boating Safety – Marine Safety – Marine Transportation – Transport Canada: “Operator Competency Requirements

The Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations require that all operators of pleasure craft fitted with a motor have proof of competency and proof of age on board at all times.
The Regulations are being phased in as follows:
All operators born after April 1, 1983 are required to have proof of competency since 1999.
As of September 15, 2002, all operators of craft of less than 4 m (13’1′) in length, including personal watercraft, will be required to have proof of competency.
As of September 15, 2009, all operators will be required to have proof of competency.
How the Regulations Apply to Non-Residents

The Regulations apply to non-residents:

If they operate their pleasure craft in Canadian waters for more than 45 consecutive days or,
If they operate a pleasure craft that is licensed or registered in Canada (including rented or chartered boats).

The Regulations do not apply to non-residents who operate their pleasure craft in Canadian waters for less than 45 consecutive days. Please note that a proof of residence will be required on board at all times.

Acceptable Proof of Competency for Non-Residents
For non-residents, proof of competency can take one of three forms:
A Canadian-issued pleasure craft operator card.
A completed boat rental safety check-list (for power-driven rental boats).
An operator card or equivalent that meets the requirements of their state or country.”

I hope this helps, not to worry, we have boat rental safety check-lists for all rental boats free of charge.

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Ear Falls, Ontario, Canada