Bears usually avoid humans
Black bears live throughout most of Ontario. They primarily inhabit forested areas where they are best able to find food, refuge and den sites.
Their entire life evolves around food. When they are not hibernating, bears spend most of their time looking for food.
From the time they come out of hibernation until berry crops are available, bears live off their stored fat and the limited energy provided by fresh spring greens. They get most of their food energy by feeding on summer berry crops like blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. In the fall, they turn their attention to hazel nuts, mountain ash, acorns and beech nuts.
While black bears will eat carrion, insects, fish, deer and moose calves, the bulk of their diet is plant material. Their natural preference is to find lots of high energy food – like huge berry patches – that will help them fatten up fast. Their survival and ability to have and raise young depend on their ability to double their weight before going into winter hibernation.
The availability of their natural food varies from abundant, to normal to poor. When natural food sources are poor, black bears will travel long distances to seek out alternative sources of food.
Bears usually avoid humans. But they are attracted into urban and semi urban areas to get food. They will topple bird feeders, ransack barbecues, raid garbage cans and even try to enter buildings. When they learn that they can find food where people live, bears will return again and again.
Left: Density of Bears in Ontario MapMiddle: Annual Bear Food CycleRight: General Comparison of reproductive potential of big game species in Ontario
IN AN IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY:contact your local police force or dial 911TO REPORT BEAR PROBLEMS:
contact the Bear Reporting Line at:1-866-514-BEAR (2327) (TTY) 705 945-7641