A Blast from the Weber Past! Pakwash Lake Camp

This entry was posted in History of Pakwash, Trophy Walleye; Trophy Northern.

Steve sends us the following:

Hey Kim, Just a quick note to send you a couple of pictures of the Weber boys in the early years.. (just to prove that yes, we have been coming that long..) All of these pictures are from the late 70’s perhaps up to 1981 or so.. The Weber boys with the days catch.. John Weber was probably 11 or so in this picture. Dave fishing off of the dock.. Our 1972 Ford Wagon in front of old cabin #8 (now #6).. and Eugene at Whitefish Falls.

I have seen that you guys have gotten some decent rains in the past week or 10 days and that the fire restrictions have been removed, which is great news. We are looking forward to seeing you all soon.. (about 3 weeks now!!)

We hope you are having a great spring! Best Regards,


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Ear Falls, Ontario, Canada