2011 Rates are set with a small increase to $235 per adult per week
Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year!
It’s been a great holiday season for all of us and I thought I’d take some time to wish all of our friends Merry Christmas & Happy New Years! We’ve been busy as usual with Fishing, Hunting and some House Renovations but now the ice fishing will start and snow machine season starts in full swing!
2010 was a busy camp season with Denis working at the mine, myself holding down the fort with help from Colin and David Ross we would like to thank everyone for a good season. We were able to get a few things done off the hunny do list. New roof’s, cabins & docks painted and the break wall repairs it was all in all a productive season. Hunting was very good too, this past season 4 bears, 9 moose, 16 deer and one wolf the other day was the final total of the season for camp. This fall we were able to get the upstairs renovations, walls & downstairs walls jip rocked and working on the painting. We hope to have the Upstairs finished this winter and someday I will have the new kitchen by 2012 is the goal.
Some good news: Our son Shawnisty & his wife Nicole are expecting our first grandchild sometime in July 2011. We are very excited! Jocelynn is finishing University Feb 2011 with her BSCN and will be a Reg. Nurse. Corey is living in Ear Falls and is Working Full time for the same company as Denis, he’s doing well. Yes It’s now our time to sit back and breath. We survived the Kids!
The new 2011 rates are set. I hope the US dollar holds, it’s still our goal to keep Pakwash Lake Camp’s fishing vacations affordable for everyone. We’ve seen an increased summer patronage with Families, Smallmouth bass fishing and bear hunting. Thank you to everyone for their word of mouth advertising. It is making the difference during these economic hard times.
Camp brochures will be sent out in the New Year. We also hope to update the website soon. Any photos and ideas would be greatly appreciated. Most of the spring fishing is full with repeat guests’ reservations we do have openings starting June 25th week and a few people listed on a waiting list for May and June fishing weeks. If your still planning and yet to reserve a cabin or If your unable to make your reservation please let us know as soon as possible so we can rearrange weeks with other guests. Thank you. If you would like to be added to our mailing list or have changed your address please update us with your address via email to pakwashlakecamp@xplornet.com
We look forward to seeing everyone in the upcoming 2011 Season & We wish everyone a very happy holiday season with joy, health and happiness!
Love & Best Wishes to All, Merry Christmas & Happy New Years!
Kim, Denis & Family!